Thursday 24 May 2012

Top Braces on and 3 wisdom teeth to come out

well the top braces are on, and i look 15 again! im hoping to get a half on the train this afternoon to Edinburgh and save £6! - gotta have some benefits huh?

its been a week now and im just managing harder foods, so please prepare with soup and soft puddings :)

Im also getting my remainder 3 wisdom teeth out on monday! i had one out before and it hurt!! However, im not going under general just a local with extra meds to knock me out abit! my wisdoms are totally squint and will be useless once my jaw is moved forward, so may as well whip them out!

My bottom teeth have moved dramatically since Nov. Extra bands are in place to pull them along and the gaps where the 2 bottom teeth were removed dont exist anymore! it looks less crowded and more straight now!

Ill write again next week and let you know what wisdom removal is like :)